Grow your business with Douyin today

Unlock China’s fastest-growing social platform with WPIC.

Trusted by the world’s leading brands

Verified Douyin Partner

Expert guidance, outstanding results

Elevate your brand on China’s leading short-video platform.

From crafting viral videos and flagship store management to influencer livestream collaborations and end-to-end logistics — we’ve got it all covered.

Partner with the best. Unlock the full potential of Douyin today.

Our success stories

WPIC understands consumers in China better than anyone else, and we’re grateful to have their guidance and expertise as we expand our presence into the world’s most significant consumer market.
PMD Beauty
VP of Sales
WPIC knows the China market and how to be successful there better than anyone. They are one of the best digital agencies I’ve ever worked with globally… super smart, agile, responsive and results-driven. WPIC has been a very important driver of our growth. We went from $200K in revenue to $1M."
VP of Global Marketing
The team at WPIC have been tremendous and their support in strategic consulting, data insights and visualization, as well as web and creative development. We look forward to continued partnership with WPIC in the future as we grow our business in the region.
Jamieson Wellness
VP of Digital Commerce

Ready to get started?

Schedule a free consultation with our experts where we will develop your personalized Douyin business strategy.

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